Uložení popela?
According to the legislation in the Czech Republic, how can the ashes of the deceased be disposed of? What are the options for the urn?
According to the Act 256/2001 Coll., on Funerals, the cremation of the deceased can only take place in a crematorium. The operator of the crematorium is obliged to place the ashes of the deceased in an urn and invite the person who arranged the burial to take over. If that person does not take over the urn from the crematorium operator within 12 months of the date of cremation, the crematorium operator is entitled to deposit the human remains by mixing them with the earth in a common grave in a public burial ground.
The Funeral Act further stipulates that human remains must not be treated in a way that affects the dignity of the deceased or the moral sensibilities of the bereaved and the public. The urn containing the ashes therefore becomes the property of the undertaker upon collection. He may deposit it in the grave site, use the scattering ground, deposit it at home, or dispose of it in some other dignified manner.